
Breast cancer begins when cells in the breast start dividing indefinitely and form a tumor. It is the second most common cancer, and the most commonly occurring cancer in women but can also occur in men. Cancer usually starts in the milk ducts or sometimes in the glands that produce milk.


Patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.


  • Along with the general risks associated with surgery such as bleeding, infection and pain other side effects include loss of/change in sensation in chest and swelling in the arms.
  • Radiotherapy side effects include: swelling, fatigue, changes in skin, future problems with breastfeeding, damages to nerves in the arm, pain, infection and seroma.
  • Side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fatigue and change in menstruation and fertility.


Have a initial consultation and physical examination with your doctor. Follow up with any other diagnostic tests that have been recommended.
Follow pre-op guidelines if you are undergoing surgery.
Arrange for some help at home whilst you’re undergoing treatment.


Whilst undergoing surgery, you will be placed under general or local anaesthesia.
During your radiotherapy sessions, it may be comforting to have a loved one or caregiver to wait out for you.


Adhere to post-op guidelines put forth by your surgeon.
If you are suffering from any strong side effects of treatment, ask your physician if they can provide any additional support.
Rest as much as possible, and try to keep your stress levels low. These will help speed up your recovery.
Spend time with family and friends. You can also seek out emotional support through professional counselors or at a support group.